The forests are sparse here in farm country, but as we get further and further south the landscape slowly changes. We enjoyed the scenery, rode another 12 miles, then enjoyed peanut butter lunch at a quiet cemetery just outside of Louisville. Still no word from our couch surfing requests.
We pass through Louisville and make our way to Flora, making it there just before the rain does. A short shower put us off the highway and into a local McDonalds. In the parking lot we ran into Nicole, a local lady who's boyfriend is an avid cyclist. He's currently riding from San Diego to Florida, and she was pumped to see us. We hung out at the Mac for a while and enjoyed several cups of coffee and some awesome free cookies. While we were waiting Nicole managed to secure a free campsite for us just outside of town. Thanks a bunch Nicole.
We made our way out to Charley Brown Park and found some great tent camping near the lake. Started a fire, ate some hot dogs, and drank Steel Reserve. It was a cool, clear night and everyone slept well. Thanks to Dave and Randy from the campground too, for us letting crash.
Sounds like it's still a great adventure. Keep up the good work.