After a hard night of partying we enjoyed another filling breakfast with Dina and friends. Some of us arrived earlier than others, but everyone got fed. A lot of the campers had already left for the weekend, so we had a quiet morning to wander on our own. Matt and Alex took a hike out to the lake for a quick swim, and Mike hung out in the restaurant, enjoying bottomless cups of coffee and free internet.
After we met up at camp, everyone loaded their gear and prepared for a short jaunt to Cave In Rock, a small town on the Illinois/Kentucky border. With our leisurely morning and a few technical glitches, we didn't head out until two. Just as we were leaving we ran into Dina again, and she threw a few pieces of food our way along with warm wishes. We left camp with big smiles and lots of new friends.
The ride to Cave in Rock is beautiful, and we are finally getting a taste of what Kentucky is going to be like. After a few really big climbs, and a few really quick descents, we spotted the Ohio River and the quaint town on it's edge.
Made a few loops around town, asked a few questions, and plopped down at a tiny campsite on the rivers edge. The hills had worn us out but we were happy to have such a beautiful view and free camping.
Matt got the fire started, Alex cut the veggies Dina gave us, and Mike shredded the meat. Added a can of beans, a little seasoning, and some heat. Everyone enjoyed.
We found some beers earlier in the day (spoils of last nights revelry) and enjoyed them next to the fire while we watched the ferry cross back and forth over the river. Hit the sack kind of early and prepare to cross the border.
You guys are creating one heck of a story and adventure for yourselves. There's not too many people that can say they did what you're doing, to encounter the generosity of others as you have, and to see as much as you are seeing! We miss you guys, be careful out there, and don't freeze. If you happen to go through Fayetteville, AR let us know... there may be a couple people willing to take you in with enough advance notice. :) --Rob & Erna